A Teaching Portfolio by Elizabeth J
Art With Ms Elizabeth
Art 1 Lesson
Art 1 Non Objective Compositions

Students will be introduced to the work of several Non-objective artists throughout the unit including, but not limited to Kandinsky, Malevich and Kenneth Noland. Students will also do their own image research by providing ten Non-Objective works of art they have found. They will analyze three of the images they have found and include their personal opinion of the work.
To start their projects, students will be given circular viewfinders and magazines. They will be asked to find a minimum of eight compositions that utilize the edges, movement and are Non-Objective. To assist students, we will review how to create a center of interest. Students will select one of the compositions to reproduce with teacher input. Then, the students will grid the composition they found in the magazine. From here, they will create a circle by using a compass (24 cm in diameter), grid the circle and then begin to enlarge their selection within the grid. This preliminary drawing will assist students in their problem solving as they will be asked to start considering their color schemes and pushing depth. Once their preliminary drawing is complete, the students will use trace paper to transfer their image onto better quality paper.
Students will be given demonstrations on shading, blending and layering color pencils. They will use a worksheet to experiment on and then draw an organic shape to explore the direction of line and degree of curve evident. Once they are comfortable with the concepts, students will begin to shade in their preliminary compositions to problem-solve. For their final creation, emphasis will be placed on high contrast, direction of line, the smoothness of their pencil technique, balance and movement. Consideration will also be given to their color schemes. As they unit progresses, student will write an essay on a chosen Non-Objective artist that will include formal art analysis. At the end of the unit, students will write a vocabulary and concept quiz.