A Teaching Portfolio by Elizabeth J
Art With Ms Elizabeth
High School Art Visitors
Japanese Wood Block Printer Ralph Kiggell Visit February 2016

Internationally known Japanese Wood Block Printmaker Ralph Kiggell taught two days of workshops in February 2016. Students learned singular and double block processes. Students had a fantastic time learning about this traditional printing process and were able to create two prints each.

PAWS Bangkok Visit March 2015

PAWS Bangkok visited the high school art room in March 2015. In order to ensure additional student learning, this visit was open to all high school students. Four sessions were run in order to accommodate the interested students. Students learned about animal care and how to assist animals in the community. This visit was the culminating activity in the Graphic Design Charity Box unit. Graphic Design students were very pleased to present PAWS Bangkok director Amy Baron with a considerable donation at the end of her stay.
Visit with AP Art's Alison Youkillis February 2014

Students had the honor of receiving an informal critique from visiting AP Studio Art teacher trainer and auditor Alison Youkillis. In total, twenty-seven students participated in an afternoon full of AP Art information and advice. This visit was extremely helpful and assisted all students in further understanding AP Art requirements.